Back Road West Virginia - 7/2002 - Note Card Set
Back Road West Virginia • Mary Magenta Calendar • July 2002
10 Folded Note Cards
4.25″ x 5.5″ w/envelopes
My aunt and I often traveled on our “ just say no” to interstates trips. Took forever, but we loved exploring our world together”
Back Road West Virginia • Mary Magenta Calendar • July 2002
10 Folded Note Cards
4.25″ x 5.5″ w/envelopes
My aunt and I often traveled on our “ just say no” to interstates trips. Took forever, but we loved exploring our world together”
Back Road West Virginia • Mary Magenta Calendar • July 2002
10 Folded Note Cards
4.25″ x 5.5″ w/envelopes
My aunt and I often traveled on our “ just say no” to interstates trips. Took forever, but we loved exploring our world together”