Bethany goes to Maine - 7/2000 - Note Card Set
Bethany goes to Maine • Mary Magenta Calendar • July 2007
10 Folded Note Cards
4.25″ x 5.5″ w/envelopes
“ Never been to Maine, but my niece Bethany has… and I love her”
Bethany goes to Maine • Mary Magenta Calendar • July 2007
10 Folded Note Cards
4.25″ x 5.5″ w/envelopes
“ Never been to Maine, but my niece Bethany has… and I love her”
Bethany goes to Maine • Mary Magenta Calendar • July 2007
10 Folded Note Cards
4.25″ x 5.5″ w/envelopes
“ Never been to Maine, but my niece Bethany has… and I love her”